Music is definitely the main one! Music is what motivates me to do pretty much everything I do in my life and is what’s I’m most grateful for. I like to think that my designs are heavily influenced by my music background and therefore are somehow unique!
Music aside, there are a lot of things that I like and that play a role part in my style: nature, horror and gothic movies, linocut print and primitive/ancient illustrations are some of them.
CHAOS: Are there any brands you have worked with that we should check out?
I actually had a brand clothing my self in 2012 called “Forget the Rain”, We released few collections and then put the project on hold (permanently) due to conflicts between me and my co-owner. There may be still something online to look at but I think it didn’t age well haha
CHAOS: What's the key to a healthy work/life balance?
I feel like I’m still figuring out haha
Seriously though, I think rules and organization are fundamental but also being easy on yourself if someday you don’t feel inspired or in the mood. Creative works are though and not yet fully understood, so It’s important to trust you guts and to create yourself the space to be relaxed and efficient.
CHAOS: Have you got any advice for fellow creatives who aim to become self-employed with their work?
I’m new to the freelance world, but I can already say that nothing comes from nothing. You have to be extra brave and confident about what you offer to the world (humanly and professionally) so take some time to figure what kind of designer you are and who are the clients of your dreams and don’t be scared to reach them out and ask for collaborations. I promise that there’s nothing you won’t be able to do.
CHAOS: Brands you hope to work with in the future?
Honestly, I wouldn’t mind starting a clothing brand again, and maybe buy a screen printing machine so I can make it 100% DIY. We’ll see..
CHAOS: Is there a project you've worked on that stands out as being your favourite?
I recently completed a 30 days poster challenge and I think some of the posters I designed during this month are my favorite piece of work to date. Also the work I’ve done for my friend artist named “Nuhell” is a classic one and something I’m really proud of. Last but not least the collection I designed for Chaos in Cosmos.. So sick! <3
CHAOS: What makes Matteo happy?
I love To Play gigs with my bands, book DIY shows, spend time in nature and with the few people I like and work on fun projects for bands/brands and this is all I need right now.